2025 Grand Prairie Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment Survey
Your response to the following survey is extremely important. The City of Grand Prairie is conducting a Citizen Survey to help establish priorities for future improvements and development of parks, trails, recreation facilities, and services within the City. The survey is being conducted as a component of a long range master plan. It is very important that you participate.
We appreciate your time. We realize that this survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete, but each question is important. The time you invest in completing this survey will aid the City of Grand Prairie in taking a resident-driven approach to making decisions that will enrich the future of our community and positively affect the lives of our residents.
We have selected ETC Institute, an independent consulting company, as our partner to administer this survey. They will compile the data received and present the results to the City. Your responses will remain confidential.
For your time and effort in completing the entire survey, you can enter into a drawing for a chance to win a $500 Visa Gift Card. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact ETC Institute’s project manager, Ryan Murray at 913-254-4598 or at Ryan.Murray@ETCInstitute.com. This survey will benefit all City of Grand Prairie residents.